articles on bill sali (national)

Congressman Sali (ID-01) for Sale?

It’s been well documented the amount of money spent in ID-01 by The Club for Growth.  What has not been documented are any of the large individual contributions made to Bill Sali’s campaign.  The focus of this diary will be one of those, or rather a number of those made by the employees of one company, Employers Resource Management Company (ERM).  Combined, ERM employees’ contributions to Sali total more than any other company–in fact more than double.  So who is Employers Resource, how much did ERM employees contribute to Sali and why?

Still Crazy After All These Years:
the nuttiest congressional district in America keeps its reputation intact.

But take heart, Karl! The good news: Rovism is not dead, after all. The bad news: The only state where it still works is Idaho.

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